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The Kiddouch glass : elegance and tradition

The Kiddouch glass holds a central place in Jewish celebrations. Used for reciting the Kiddush blessing at Shabbat and Jewish holiday meals, it symbolizes the sanctification of the moment and the connection between community and spirituality. At Aulica, we offer a selection of Kiddouch glass that merge tradition with elegance, making these sacred moments even more memorable.

The Kiddouch ritual : a sacred moment

The word Kiddush, meaning “sanctification,” refers to the blessing recited over a cup of wine or grape juice to mark the start of Shabbat or Jewish holidays. The Kiddouch glass is an essential element in this ritual, reflecting the significance of purity and celebration within Jewish tradition. Each cup is carefully chosen to honor the importance of this moment.

Kiddouch glass in metal and glass : modernity meets tradition

For those who appreciate a modern touch, we offer Kiddouch glass in metal, glass, and even crystal. These contemporary designs combine aesthetics with functionality, featuring clean lines or subtle details that respect tradition while introducing a hint of modernity. Some of our glass blown or metal cups feature vibrant colors or artistic engravings, perfect for adding a personal touch to your celebrations.

The Kiddouch tray and accessories : a harmonious set

The Kiddouch glass is often accompanied by a tray, where it rests after the blessing. Our Kiddouch sets frequently include a matching tray crafted from the same material as the cup for a harmonious presentation on the table. Some sets also come with small cups for sharing the wine with guests, making the Kiddouch ritual a more communal and warm experience.

How to maintain your glass in Kiddouch ?

To maintain the shine of your Kiddouch glass, regular care is essential. Metal or glass cups should be cleaned gently to preserve their brilliance, ensuring your Kiddouch cup remains beautiful and functional for years to come.

Discover our collection of Kiddouch glass

Whether you’re looking for a Kiddouch glass in metal or glass, Aulica offers a wide selection to suit every taste and occasion. Enhance your Shabbat and holiday moments with a Kiddouch glass that reflects your style and commitment to tradition.

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