Delivery conditions
When you place an order with Aulica, the shipping costs are included in the final price. The system calculates charges based on delivery address and weight, and automatically changes them when you add products or change quantities.
At Aulica, we have a large stock of most products to guarantee you a delivery time of 3/4 working days ** (provided that all products and / or colors are available for shipment within 48 / 72h working days) in mainland France, except for palletized orders, where delivery can be made within 7 to 10 working days. The standard service does not include delivery to the floor, this must be paid by the customer in advance. Product assembly is also not included.
If you want to deliver your order upstairs, you must request a quote before shipping. Otherwise this service will not be available. In the event of return of the goods following a delivery failure, the return costs will be invoiced to the customer.
At the time of delivery
Once the consumer takes possession of the good, the risk of loss or damage is transferred to him. Therefore, it is important to:
- Do not sign the delivery slip before having checked the contents of the package (s) and the condition of the goods if you have the possibility.
- If you have the opportunity to examine your merchandise, do not give in to pressure from delivery people and take your time to do it calmly.
- If you can not check the condition of the goods, please express reservations on the delivery note (mandatory condition to make any claim for a product received in poor condition due to transport)
- In case of refusal of delivery, please take photos of the condition of the package (s) in order to speed up management.
- In the case of bulky and / or heavy items, it is strongly recommended to provide the assistance of a third person for the delivery of your items to your home.
Delivery failure for "Incomplete or incorrect or missing address"
Aulica cannot be held responsible for any delivery failure due to an address declared as incomplete by the carrier. In the event of return of a parcel bearing the mention "incomplete address" or declared NPAI (does not live at the address indicated) by the transport company, we will make a credit for the customer's order upon his return to our premises.
- Check that you have communicated to the sender your exact and complete contact details.
- Check that your name appears on your mailbox and / or doorbell and / or intercom.
- In the event of a delivery failure, you then have 10 working days to collect your package from a relay point. After this period, it will be automatically returned. So check that the deadline of 10/15 consecutive days to collect your package from the postal contact point or collection point has not been exceeded.
- Check that the sender is not the source of this return. The credit will be reduced by the amount of delivery costs incurred by Aulica including during "Free shipping" operations since our company pays in all cases the amount of delivery to the carrier.
- In the event that the package is returned for a reason that is attributable to you (unclaimed package, incorrect / incomplete address, etc.), you will have to pay new delivery costs before any reshipment of the package.
- In the event of a delay due to any event (bad weather, accidents, etc.) that does not allow the normal delivery of the products, Aulica cannot be held responsible for delays in delivery.
You can see all the costs detailed in your basket before confirming the order, the products chosen, the shipping costs and any commissions and taxes. It is very important before clicking on “Confirm order” to confirm that everything is correct, products, quantity, finishes, etc.
Shipping costs vary depending on the delivery address, weight and total volume of the products ordered.
Due to the volume of shipments during the weeks of various promotions, such as Black Friday, deliveries may experience delays.
Delivery address
Aulica ships to the following countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Slovakia, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Switzerland and the Vatican. For any delivery request in the countries mentioned above, please contact us at: +33 4 42 72 18 16
For shipments to Switzerland, the prices will be exempt from VAT. Once the order arrives at its destination, the customer will have to pay customs clearance and applicable taxes. To validate any order, the customer must request a postage contribution before validation.
For deliveries to individuals in the countries mentioned above, VAT is included in the price, i.e. 20% on the total invoice. There are territories in the countries mentioned above which are subject to special tax conditions. In this case, we will not be able to ship to the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, Acores, Madeira, Balearic Islands, Andorra, Gibraltar.
For companies carrying out their commercial activity in other countries of the European Union and which have an intra-community VAT number, the prices invoiced are also exempt from VAT.
Our deliveries are all made at the "doorstep" ie they are made at the bottom of your building or in front of the gate. You must therefore make your arrangements to be able to receive your package and transport it by your own means. The same goes for the assembly of products.
If you want delivery upstairs, a *** service contribution must be made before sending the order. If the order is sent and no request has been made beforehand, the cost of this service may be increased due to a second delivery.
*** service subject to the carrier's conditions.
Due to the volume of shipments during the weeks of various promotions, such as Black Friday, deliveries may experience delays.