Christmas 2020: How to combine Christmas and COVID 19?

Christmas 2020: How to combine Christmas and COVID 19?

The end of the year celebrations involve family, friends and loved ones enjoying a good meal around a nice table in a warm atmosphere. 

The question this year is "will the holidays be the same as last year?"

Don't worry, you'll be able to combine Christmas dinner with COVID 19.

We will give you our advice on how to spend the festive season safely and without risk to you and your family.

The festive season is a time for you and your family to get together.

In order to make your festivities a success, you will have to take care of your family members and not neglect any safety gestures.

Advice n°1:

If you can, get yourself checked, there are now antigenic tests that allow you to know the result in 30 minutes. You can find these tests in pharmacies and drugstores.

Advice n°2:

During the holidays, time seems to stand still, but be careful.

Have hydro-alcoholic gel and masks available. Keep your distance as much as possible.

Advice 3:

The dilemma every year is whether to separate adults and children at the table. We advise you to set up a table for the little ones and another for the adults, to avoid contact during the meal. Moreover, your children will be more happy to spend the meal next to their favorite cousin than between their two great uncles.

Advice n°4:

For your table decoration, whether you want to create a Nordic atmosphere between two ice cream sellers or a more traditional Christmas, we offer a wide and diverse range.

If the words "classic and chic" speak to you, our ice cream collection in Canada is for you.

The products in this range go together perfectly, your table will be harmonious to celebrate the end of the year as it should be.

Advice n°5:

Establish a theme, such as Gatsby or Show business, everyone LOVES to dress up.

For a festive atmosphere, set your table in the theme of your party.

Like Gatsby in his time of festivities, use gold. Add touches of gold to your table. Our collection has its name, mixing pearlescent tableware and gold glasses.

Advice 6:

Create new traditions for yourself.

For example, throughout the evening, take photos of your loved ones with a Kodak or an instant camera, you can immortalise these moments in an original way.

Enjoy your loved ones, share with them, create memories but remain vigilant to protect yourself and your family.